Streamlining Ceramic and ComposeDB Setups With Wheel & SimpleDeploy
This release makes it easier to use Ceramic and ComposeDB for development and production purposes

We're excited to announce the release of two new tools: Wheel and SimpleDeploy. Whether it's for local development and testing or production use, these tools are designed to make it easier for developers to deploy and manage Ceramic and ComposeDB infrastructure. With Wheel, you can easily install and configure your Ceramic node and ComposeDB index with just one command for local deployments, while infra scripts allow you to easily spin up clusters in the cloud or locally using containers.
Wheel: A Streamlined CLI Tool for Ceramic and ComposeDB
Wheel is a CLI starter tool that simplifies the process of setting up and running a Ceramic node enabled with ComposeDB, primarily for local development and testing. With just one command, Wheel takes care of installing necessary packages, configuring the setup, and running a ComposeDB-enabled Ceramic node locally in minutes.
Visit the Wheel guide & reference to understand your config options and Wheel repository to get started.
SimpleDeploy: Easy Ceramic and ComposeDB Infrastructure Deployment
SimpleDeploy is a set of infra scripts that enable app developers and node operators to deploy Ceramic infrastructure in just two simple commands. It supports cloud-agnostic deployments using Kubernetes and Docker, offering compatibility with major cloud providers like AWS, GCP, Digital Ocean, and Heroku.
The repo also contains templates that make it easy to get started for those who prefer to use Ansible in their node setup.
Check out the guide and repo for more information on how to get started.
Limitations and Future Work
In the future, we plan to expand Wheel's functionality with additional features, including native Windows support, integration with template apps, and integration with the infra scripts for an end-to-end developer experience.
For SimpleDeploy, the current guide is focused on Digital Ocean, but guides for other cloud providers are coming soon.
We’d love to hear from you - please share your feedback with us in Discord or receive support on the Forum.
We extend our gratitude and appreciation to dedicated beta testers in the community: Andy, Jose, Kantaro, Nick, Lucas, and Armie for their contribution of testing and providing feedback for this release!