RSVP to RepConnect: Reputation Summit at DevConnect, Instanbul

RepConnect, a half-day summit hosted by Ceramic, will bring together developers and thought leaders from Gitcoin, Disco, Karma3, Lit, Veramo Labs, Intuition, and more to discuss the current approaches to building and collaborating on composable reputation systems. The goal of the event is to provide a space for builders and visionaries to confront the technical hurdles of composable reputation and collaborate on its future.

The event takes place on Monday, November 13th with limited spots available! RSVP below:

RepConnect: Web3 Reputation Summit · Luma
The goal of the event is to provide a space for builders and visionaries to confront the technical hurdles of composable reputation and collaborate on its future. At RepConnect, we’ll…

These panels, lightning rounds and tech talks will cover the roadblocks and vision required to make composable reputation a reality across dApps, DeFi, DAOs, DeSci, AI, loyalty and more.

Doors Open

9:00 a.m.

Opening Keynote

Ceramic Network

9:20-9:35 a.m. with Michael Sena

Lightning Talks

Gitcoin: ‘How to Identify Trusted Humans’

9:35-9:45 a.m. with Gary Sheng

Trusta Labs: ‘Building AI-Powered On-Chain Reputation for L2 Chains’

9:45-10 a.m. with Peet Chen

Panel Discussion

Metamask, Optimism, Karma3 & Base: ‘Building Decentralized Reputation in Communities’

10-10:40 a.m. with Dayan Brunie, Sahil Dewan, Ryan Nitz, Jonas Seiferth

Lightning Talks

Lit Protocol: ‘Decentralized Digital Signing & Encryption’

10:40-10:50 a.m.

David Sneider, co-founder at Lit, will detail the key management network and how it can be used in the context of onboarding and private data for composable reputation.

Jokerace Contest

10:50-11:00 a.m.

In this rapid-fire demo, David Phelps will show us how to create a contest, play in a contest, use a contest to build community—and most importantly, leverage it for on-chain reputation.

Technical Talk

Veramo Labs

11:00-11:30 a.m.

Panel Discussion

Disco, Intuition, Veramo & Verax: ‘Insights and Action Items for Building Real Apps with Decentralized Reputation’

11:30-12:00 p.m. with Evin McMullen, Billy Leudtke, Simon Brown and Nick Reynolds

Leaders in decentralized identity and reputation will discuss the shortcomings and successes of online reputation, and what we need to do next to build useful apps supercharged with composable reputation.

Technical Talk

Karma3 Labs: ‘Social Emergence, Evolutionary Design: Building the Decentralized Reputation System for Open Communities’

12:00-12:20 p.m. with Sahil Dewan

Karma3 Labs will delve into their experiences building decentralized reputation systems for Web3 social protocols and marketplaces, drawing from their expertise in EigenTrust algorithms and open data. They will explore the intricacies of curating social emergence of relevant reputation signals and delve into the open verifiable algorithm computation that underpins these permissionless systems.

Lightning Talks

Index Network: ‘Reclaiming the Contextual Internet With Composable Identities’

12:20-12:30 p.m. with Seref Yarar


12:30-12:40 p.m.

DAO Star

12:40-12:50 p.m.

You won’t want to miss the knowledge and the connections (oh and the swag!) at RepConnect. Don’t forget to RSVP for event details & we can’t wait to see you in Istanbul!