RariMe: Bringing Your Web3 Identity to Metamask with Ceramic
RariMe initially used MetaMask local storage to hold credentials, but switched to Ceramic as it allows for data to be synced between multiple devices

Rarimo protocol allows users to seamlessly port their identities across Web3. One of Rarimo’s use-cases is RariMe, an extension that allows users to store and manage their identity credentials inside of Metamask, generating privacy-protecting Zero-Knowledge proofs that can be submitted to dApps. So far, there have been over 6,000 RariMe downloads.
RariMe initially used MetaMask local storage to hold credentials, but switched to Ceramic as it allows for data to be synced between multiple devices—both increasing the portability and improving the disaster recovery process for users.
The Story of RariMe
Rarimo is an interoperability protocol solving identity fragmentation in Web3. It aggregates issuers and standards, allowing dApps to verify and interact with a broad range of identity artifacts. This in turn allows users to port their identities across Web3. All of this is accomplished with privacy-preserving Zero-Knowledge technology. Rarimo can be thought of as a Chainlink for identities.
Prior use cases include:
- Launching the Proof-of-Humanity plug-in
- This plug-in allows platforms to filter out bots by gating access to users who have proven their humanity.
- Through a single integration, dApps gain instant access to a range of four identity providers representing different methods of verification: Gitcoin Passport, Unstoppable Domains, Civic, and Worldcoin. This allows users to choose exactly how they prove their humanity.
- Scaling PolygonID by making their Zero-Knowledge Proofs multi-chain
- Launching RariMe, a MetaMask Snap
- RariMe allows users to store identity credentials inside their MetaMask
- It also allows them to generate Zero-Knowledge Proofs for all of their credentials
- Users are able to store both their Web3 assets and identities in the same location
Why RariMe Built With Ceramic
Multiple other solutions were considered including IPFS, FileCoin, and Arweave. In the end, Ceramic was selected because it is free for users and comes with a convenient high-level API provided by Compose DB.
RariMe snap uses ComposeDB as the primary encrypted storage of Verifiable Credentials. The keys for authorization and encryption are tied to the MetaMask mnemonic phrase. The safe getEntropy method is used to derive them deterministically without compromising the security of crypto accounts. It is enough for the user to have the MetaMask mnemonic to retrieve and decrypt all her RariMe credentials.

This solution has the following advantages:
- Data is instantly synced between all devices that use the same MetaMask mnemonic
- There is no need for manual backups because the data in Compose DB is durable
- Straightforward UX, no extra steps or passwords required
- Local storage capacity does not limit the maximum number of credentials. ComposeDB is scalable enough to handle millions of credentials
Try it Out
Test out RariMe by downloading it and by generating a Rarimo Proof-of-Humanity credential, which you can store inside your RariMe and use to gain access to gated human-only spaces, including a VIP Rarimo discord channel.
Download RariMe here: https://rarime.com/
Prove your humanity here: https://robotornot.rarimo.com/